If you have sustained a personal injury in an accident that was not entirely your fault, you may be entitled to compensation to help you to cope. In most cases, financial compensation is claimed from the insurance provider who represents the person or corporation that was liable for your injury. In certain cases, the compensation may come from alternative sources.
Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority
If your injury occurred as a result of a criminal act, then it is most likely that your compensation case will be handled by the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority(CICA). The government in the United Kingdom recognises that criminal acts are rarely covered by insurance policies and those who have committed a dangerous criminal act are unlikely to be able to foot large compensation bills immediately, especially if they are being sent to jail for their crime. Criminal compensation orders which are obtained through criminal courts are subject to a maximum of £5000. Therefore, the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority has been established to assist people who were injured as a result of a criminal act committed by another person. Successful applicants include people who were directly injured in a crime, as well as people who have been hurt whilst trying to assist the police in the aftermath of a crime.
In order to qualify to make a claim through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority, the incident must have been reported to the police at the earliest opportunity after it occurred. Candidates for compensation must then lodge an application with the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority within two years of the incident. In a few exceptional circumstances, these criteria do not apply. For example, compensation may be claimed in cases of historic sex abuse, if the sex abuse has only recently come to light.
Applications for compensation through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority must be made online or over the telephone. Full details of the crime and the injuries should be input into the online form as part of the application process. A claims advisor or another legal professional can help you to fill in these details if you are concerned about getting your story across properly. An advisor from the Citizen’s Advice Bureau may also be able to help you if you are struggling.
Medical Compensation Schemes
Some compensation schemes exist to help to compensation people who suffer from specific medical issues. These medical issues tend to relate to actions or treatments which were previously common-practice but which are now considered to be dangerous. Examples of these include the MacFarlane Trust, which specifically helps people who have developed HIV after getting blood as part of haemophilia treatment.
The Vaccine Damage Payment Unit is run to help to compensate people who have suffered personal injuries as a result of vaccinations. There are also special compensation schemes available for people who have suffered asbestos-related illnesses due to expose at work. As well as claiming compensation, people who were injured in the workplace may be entitled to claim a special Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit from the government.
NHS Redress Arrangement
People who are injured whilst using the NHS in Wales may be able to raise a claim using the NHS Redress Service. This service is partially dedicated to claims for compensation, whilst also helping people to make a complaint about their treatment. However, claims are normally limited to a much lower value than they could be if the claimant were to attempt to claim via a different channel.
Personal Injuries Claims
Despite the fact that there are alternative sources of compensation, most people who are injured will receive compensation by raising a standard compensation claim. These claims must be raised within three years of the incident that caused the personal injury. In extreme cases, the claim may be raised after the normal three year period has elapsed, however this has to be approved by the courts.
If you do want to raise a claim for compensation after a personal injury, you should speak to a solicitor or claims advisor. Many legal professionals offer a free consultation sessions for those who want to make a claim. Attend one of these sessions to find out whether you have a valid claim.